

Angel Falls, Venezuela

Angel Falls

Located in Venezuela, Angels Falls is the world's highest waterfall at a staggering 979 meters or 3,212 feet - this is 15 times higher than Niagara Falls for comparison. The water comes from the Churun River and does a free-fall drop over the edge of a mountain into a set of white water rapids below. There is a second drop of 30 meters just beyond the rapids.

To reach the falls, however, is no easy feat. You'll have to first catch a small plane to the town of Canaima, and then it is a one-day boat ride to the falls.

5. Niagara Falls, USA/Canada

Horseshoe Falls at Niagara Falls

It isn't the tallest waterfall in the world, but Niagara Falls is certainly impressive in its scope and power. Niagara Falls is comprised of three waterfalls, the largest of which is Horseshoe Falls. Straddling the border between the USA and Canada, the water cascades 614 feet down Niagara Gorge.

The falls can be viewed from a number of viewpoints in New York and OntarioCave of the Winds is one of the most unique viewpoints. Here, you will descend 175 feet into the Niagara Gorge to experience the power of the falls mid-flow from the Hurricane Deck. You'll be given a rain jacket because you will get wet.
